Shayla Kimpton – Librarian

Hello St. Dominic Families !

My name is Shayla Kimpton and I am a volunteer in the Library at St. Dominic School.

My husband and I moved to Northfield from TX in 2017 after retiring. I worked for 20 years in public education in Special Education. I loved connecting with my students and all they accomplished. They remain in a very special part of my heart. I am so grateful that God led me to volunteer here at St. Dominic School to continue surrounding myself with a learning environment. The students and staff here are amazing! I call this my ‘Happy Place’.

When our children were young I was a volunteer at their school, in their library, so as my son told me, “that’s where it all began, Mom!” I want you to know that your children bring me joy every day! Thank you for sharing them with me!

Position: Librarian


Staff Category: School Staff

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