Middle School


In our Middle School (Grades 5-8), students continue to develop the ability to think critically and become independent learners, while their core values, faith, and character formation become more clearly defined. Our middle school teachers get to know our students and their academic and emotional needs through right sized classes and a commitment to providing a meaningful, unique educational experience for each student.

English Language Arts – Literacy curriculum includes the study of different types of literature through reading and analyzing novels in small groups, whole class, and as individuals. Skill development in the area of writing focuses on narrative, persuasive, expository, and creative writing, research skills, and reading and writing of poetry.

Math – Students are placed in math classes based on their level of understanding of mathematical concepts and level of computational skills. All students are considered as individuals based on their abilities and then placed appropriately in Math 5, Math 6, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, or Algebra II.

Religion – Religious education and faith development are the foundation of our school, and therefore the foundation of our curriculum. Students at this age are developing in ways that allow them to think for themselves, internalize, and firm up their beliefs and values. They are surrounded by a community that supports them and encourages them to make decisions that align with their faith and family values. It is an opportunity like no other!

Social Studies

  • 5th Grade – U.S. History Pre Columbian-Revolutionary War
  • 6th Grade – Minnesota History in 6th grade
  • 7th & 8th Grade – US History, Modern World History and World Geography

St. Dominic School has recently partnered with Bellevue University to implement a civics curriculum that includes a self-governance simulation where students will learn how to be positive, respectful, contributing members of today’s society.

Science –  Our Science program is taught based on an exploratory approach, using a textbook as a guide while allowing students to participate in project-based activities to broaden their understanding of science concepts.

Specialists for 5-8:

  • Art
  • Music
  • Physical education
  • Spanish

Our middle school is structured with content specific teachers for our Writing, Social Studies and Math classes.  Students in Grades 5-8 will see each of our teachers on a daily basis, based on the content area taught by each teacher.

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