Middle School Spanish

Students learn best when they are focusing on the purpose of communicating, not the form of the language. -Dr. Krashen

Language is acquired through comprehensible input. Languages are acquired as we hear or read messages that we can understand in the language. We choose stories, videos, mini-novels, and content that is compelling to our students, to make it comprehensible.

In the classroom, we use and recycle high-frequency words and structures, and focus on those most used verbs and words all year long. We talk to the students about their daily lives, their likes and dislikes, and the things that truly matter to them. By doing this the language comes naturally to each student.


  • Grammar in Context by Martina Bex
  • Mundo de Pepita 
  • Storyteller’s Corner

Mini Novels we will read in class:

  • Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro
  • La Piñata de Renata
  • La Familia de Federico Rico


  • TPRS- Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling
  • Movement
  • Games
  • Songs
  • Story building
  • Classroom jobs
  • Brain Breaks
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