Elementary Physical Education

The physical education classroom is an area of safety, promoting success and expression through a variety of movement opportunities and challenges. Students are given opportunities to experience and develop teamwork, athletics, sportsmanship, and cooperation skills. Physical education is essential for the development of lifelong, healthy habits and enjoyment of being physically active.


Physical education builds a foundation for balancing activity and healthy eating. It is important because it contributes to our students’ success and brain development, and it teaches the knowledge, skills, and confidence individuals need to be physically active and healthy.

Physical education is vital for every student’s education and lifelong well-being. St. Dominic School provides a standards-based curriculum that will assist students in developing and maintaining healthy lifestyles.


  • Football
  • Soccer
  • Chasing & Fleeing Games
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Floor hockey
  • Dancing
  • Badminton
  • Frisbee
  • Jump Rope
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